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Shoulder/Abs/Cardio Workout
Beat the Belly Bloat
Eat Clean Tips
45 min. indoor cycling workout
Shoulder/Abs/Cardio Workout
Beat the Belly Bloat
Eat Clean Tips
If you don't love it, don't eat it! If you love it, savor it!
I am currently reading a book called "Intuitive Eating". It is a book that helps you give up the diet mentality forever. It is an awesome book and gives you great pointers on how to listen to your body. Eat when your hungry and stop when your full. You eat what sounds good to you at the moment and don't deprive yourself of things you think you should not eat. It seems easy, but if you really look at your eating habits you probably don't do this. I know at times I eat what "I should" instead of what I actually want. This book also describes how the dieting market is a 30 billion dollar industry and you would think in result, we would all be thin. In reality, obesity is on this rise in adults and children more then it has ever been. Also, eating disorders are rising at an incredible rate. These are all stemmed fro our "diet mentality" that the media portrays to us. There are more low-fat, low-calorie foods on the market today and you would think that it would result in weight loss. This is not the case at all! It actually makes people not satisfied with what they are eating, and makes them eat a lot more later on! Yo-yo dieting is a large part of people's problems because they loose weight, feel deprived, and end up gaining more weight in return. We all need to go back and eat like toddlers do. They eat what they want, when they are hungry. They stop when they are full and that is what helps them grow and stay healthy! Here are some other great tips from the book:
- Dieting leads to deprivation, deprivation lead to craving, and craving can lead to out-of-control behavior.
- Eat when your hungry and you'll find it more easily to stop when you are full.
- When you are satisfied, you eat less
- Learn to cope with your emotions without using food. Ask yourself "Am I really hungry? Or am I just bored or upset!"
- Enjoy food! Savor those things that you love and you will notice that you do not crave them as much!
- Get rid of the "food police" in your head, telling you that the food is "bad" or "good". Or making you feel guilty for eating a slice of cake!
- Remember you don't have to eat a perfect diet to be healthy! You will not suddenly gain weight from one snack, one meal, or one day of eating. It is consistency over time that matters.
- Give yourself unconditional permission to eat whatever it wants when hungry. If you tell yourself you shouldn't eat a particular food, it can lead to deprivation, and usually results in overeating and overwhelming guilt! (I know that I have done this many times, and end up eating half a dozen cookies, instead of just having one in the first place, then feeling guilty for it!!)
- Over time, you will notice that you will actually want to eat food that is good for your body!

This book is great for anyone wanting to get rid of dieting and the worry that comes along with it! I highly suggest it to anyone all shapes and sizes! If your overweight, underweight, struggle with binging, not eating enough, or don't have time in your crazy life to eat! Each person has a different dieting personality that is described in the book!