Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Eat Clean Tips

I am currently reading this book The Eat Clean Diet...Recharged, it isn't necessarily a diet but a change of lifestyle. I have been trying to eat whole foods lately, and trying to take out the processed, sugar-loaded crap. Don't get me wrong, I still have my sweets everyday, but I am trying to spruce up my meals with whole foods, meat, veggies, etc... Here are a few tips that I would like to share with you from the book:

  • Tomatoes accelerate your metabolism. They have natural acids that help flush more water through your kidneys and prompt them to filter out large amounts of fatty deposits. It is also has lycopene, a cancer-fighting antioxidant
  • Garlic and onions break down fatty deposits in your body and speed up your metabolism also. Garlic is natural detoxifier
  • A fat-burning metabolism is like money in the bank earning interest. Your metabolism works for you all the time even when you aren't working out. You get a fat-burning metabolism from weight training programs. It also depends on how you treat your body right now and in the past. 
  • If you have dieted for years, gaining and losing the same weight over and over again interferes with your metabolism. It makes it more difficult to lose weight. Start weight training today!
  • Eating sprouted grains is a great substitute for whole wheat. They release more nutrients, and they help foster the growth of good bacteria in your gut. This helps you stay away from cancer and digestion. They are also digested more quickly, and are loaded with fiber, protein, and vitamins. 
  • It is the cooked wheat that causes mucus congestion, allergic reactions, constipation, and bowel irritability. When wheat is sprouted, it has no negative effects on the digestive tract (unless your gluten intolerant). 
  • "Clean eating is not about eliminating every tasty item from your diet or being hungry. You need to recognize that some "foods' you are currently eating are things I would rather call "anti-foods" and you must work hard to avoid these, since they are destructive to both excellent health and stunning form." Try to eliminate 1 or 2 things from your diet at a time.
    • Things like white flour and sugar, chemically charged, preservatives, artificial sugars, artificial foods, trans fat, sugar-loaded beverages, alcohol, calorie-dense foods containing no nutritional value, and super-sizing your meals.
  • Eat more-six small meals/day, eat breakfast, eat a combo of protein & complex carbs at each meal, eat healthy fats (2-3 servings/day), drink a lot of water, carry a cooler with clean food, depend of fresh fruits and vegetables for vitamins, adhere to proper protein sizes.



Angie Hronek said...

I've heard about clean eating before, but I think I love sugar and bread too much to actually do it. Also, I have a question. What are the healthy fats? I hear that a lot, but I have no idea what constitutes a healthy fat. And every oil at the grocery store claims to be the good kind. Set me straight.

eatdrinkandbehealthy said...

Yeah, eating clean can be difficult. The small adjustments you make can help you feel better. You don't notice how your body feels while eating sugar and bread until you start limiting it. I've noticed that the less sugar and bread I eat, the less I want it and crave it. Eating clean doesn't mean to take it from your diet completely! Just limit it. I've noticed that bread and sugar causes me a lot of digestive distress and the only way I figured that out was by limiting it, and listening to my body.

Healthy fats are mainly those made from plants, fish, and nuts.
-Any nut, olive oil (or other oils made from plants), avocados, peanut butter, chicken, fish, etc)
-If you look on a nutrition label, the fat should be in the monounsaturated or polyunsaturated category.
-Saturated fat is not a healthy fat, and usually this is from red meat, pigs, high fat milk, butter, etc..

Does this help?
Stephanie Godfrey

Anonymous said...

Ohh loovee these tips!! Thanks for sharing!