Saturday, May 5, 2012

Small Changes=Great Things

So over the past year or so I have been trying to transition to a natural way of living. From the food I eat, the water I drink, and the stuff I put in & on my body. We live in a toxic world filled with pesticides, chemicals, preservatives, etc... The food thing has been the easiest part for me, but the stuff I put on my body has been extremely hard! I love lipstick, makeup, perfume, smell-good laundry detergent, lotions,  etc... I know that all these things can contribute to a high toxic load in my body. Many of these chemicals are resembling hormones in our body and are causing havoc within us.

Anyways...I have tried to limit all the chemical-laden things that I put on my body. The one things I haven't been able to depart with is deodarant. There are many natural products out there that help you to smell fresh, but none that help you to stop sweating. I've tried many that have made me break out in rashes, and some that do nothing at all. Aluminum in our deodorant is what helps us to stop sweating and may be linked to breast cancer. I asked a health specialist at the Sunflower Market if there were any products that help you to not sweat. He said, "It is important for our body to sweat to release all the toxins in our bodies, you don't want to clog up your pores and keep all those things inside do you?". This was an "ah ha" moment for me. I finally came away with 2 great products! Yeah, I may sweat a little more than usual, but hey I can deal with that! Here is what works for me:

I have not broke out in a rash at all with them! I think making the transition to natural deodorant is easier than I thought!

Next thing I need to work on.......LIPGLOSS!!! Dr. Oz says that women probably eat a pound of that goopy stuff a year! So nasty. I just love the colors and shininess! I might take a while to make that transition :).

What is one thing that you can change this week? 

Lets talk about a yummy meal that is easy to make and completely versatile based on what you like. You may have heard about them before, they are called:


You start with a complex carbohydrate:

wholewheat pasta
brown rice
quinoa (my fav)
sweet potatoes
(or any other things you may like)

Then add a protein:

harbored eggs
shredded chicken
cut up salmon burger
canned salmon or tuna
nutritional yeast
tofu strips
cooked lentils
veggie burger sliced up

 Throw in as many vegetables as possible:

salad greens
red peppers
spinach leaves
broccoli or cauliflower
get the picture???

add a healthy fat:
small amount of olive oil (may be used for dressing)

Then drizzle lightly with dressing of choice:

low-sugar teriyaki sauce
BBQ sauce
lemon juice + honey + mustard
Bragg's liquid aminos or soy sauce
Balsamic Vinaigrette
Italian dressing
deli mustard
Olive oil and vinegar
or anything else you like!

....MIX &
heat up when ready to eat!


3/4 cup quinoa
shredded chicken or garbanzo beans
steamed veggies (broccoli, snap peas, carrots, squash, asparagus)
Topped with balsamic vinaigrette & deli mustard.

(I know the dressing sound weird, but it is delicious!)

Cook up 4 batches at once and separate into 4 to-go containers for a quick meal!!!
1 cup dried quinoa, cooked
Use the breasts of a rotisserie chicken or 1 can beans
Steam up a big pot of frozen mixed veggies from Costco 
and WALLA!

Is easy to prepare at the beginning of the week for quick lunches or dinners! No excuses to grab McDonalds or Taco Bell now! :)

Feel free to share in the comments box of some of your favorite mixtures!

Have a good day!

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