Rule #8: Avoid foods that make health claims:
- The 1st reason you want to follow this rule is because usually the food is packaged which means it has been processed!
- The 2nd reason is that most of the time it is just bad science. For example, look how how the food manufacturers came out and claimed that margarine was better then butter. It turned out that margarine contained trans fat. In the end it wasn't better then butter. Do not trust food manufacturers.
- Fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, etc.. do not have to make health claims to get you to buy them. We already know they are good for you! The packaged foods have to get you to buy their product somehow, so they add appealing words on the box, making you thing they are healthy for you!
Rule # 9: Avoid "light", "low-fat", & "non-fat" food items:
- I admit, I am a sucker for these products. In reality, our society has gotten fat on these items since they have came to the market. They make you believe you can eat more of these products because they are "healthier". What food manufacturers do not tell you is that most of the time they add carbs in place of these fats to make them still taste good. Or they may add a bunch of fillers to make them thick.
- Since this "low-fat" campaign has come to the market, americans eat about 500 calories more each day!
- It is better to eat the real thing in moderation and feel satisfied with it, then binging on the light stuff!
Rule #10: Avoid food that are pretending to be something they are not
- This rule kind of goes with #9. For example; margarine trying to be butter, nonfat cream cheese trying to be the real thing. Soy-based mock "meats", artificial sweeteners trying to replace sugar, or fake fats like olestra.
Rule #11: Avoid foods that you see on T.V.
- 2/3 of advertising spent of processed foods is faulty food science! They try to real you in with their colorful, yummy looking foods.
Rule #12: Shop the peripheries of the grocery store

- Meats, cheese, produce, and dairy (excepts some yogurts or some fake meats of course) all are located on the outside of the grocery aisles. Shop there most of the time and you should be safe!
Rule #13: Eat only foods that will eventually rot
- Processed foods improve the shelf life, this equals less nutrition. The nutritious the food the easier it spoils! (excepts some foods like pure honey, it can last on the shelf for years)
- To be honest it is dang hard to do this, because it can get really expensive only eating real food. Sometimes it rots before you can eat it, and it is hard to take around with you during the day because you need your own mini fridge with you everywhere you go :) Just try to do your best.
- I read in another book to aim for about 80-90% real food and 10-20% processed or sweets. If you can go 100% real food, kudos to you! You are amazing!
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