Sunday, November 20, 2011

Calm Cravings...Eat Smart


No matter how committed you are to eating healthy, it is very difficult to make good decisions when you are at the point of starvation!. Your blood sugar levels have dropped, making you crave anything quick that is high in sugar, calories, and fat. This is your bodies natural defense mechanisms. It has reached the point of it needs calories and fat fast!

So instead of getting to this starving point, through some of these snacks into some baggies and take with you wherever you go! It can get annoying, but you don't always know your plans for the day. At my job, I have to eat on the go sometimes. It is nice to have some pre-packaged snacks so that I have something readily available and won't overeat later on.

1. Instant oatmeal packets (low sugar ones of course, or get original and add your own sweetener): These can be mixed with hot water from a coffee machine, or thrown in the microwave. I like the Quaker weight control packets because they have a small about of protein in them to make it more of a balanced meal.

2. Dried Fruit or fresh fruit

3. Mixed Nuts: nuts are a great source of protein and fats. Just make sure you proportion them out so you don't eat over the serving size.
4. Rice Cakes: get the Lundberg brand that are made from brown rice protein. There are some yummy flavors too. I like putting almond butter in between two cakes and breaking off little bites when I need it. Put on some jelly too if you want!
5. Fruit or Protein Bars: take a variety of the Lara, luna, odwalla, TLC, or other bars that are more natural and not loaded with sugar. (you may notice that lara bars are loaded with sugar in the nutrition facts, but it is added sugar, it is sugar from fruit. Read the ingredients, if sugar is in the first 2 ingredients you should ditch it.
6. Enveloped packed salmon or tuna. Great to thrown on a salad or anything you want to add a punch of protein too. Much better then the can, because then you don't have to have a can opener!
7. Meat Jerky: although I'm not huge fan of this because of all the sodium added, it is a great protein source. Shoot for turkey jerky instead of original jerky.
8. VEGGIES OF COURSE: carrotts, snap peas, celery, cut up peppers or cucumbers!
9. Protein powder in a shaker cup: just add water and you have a great protein source! Eat with an apple and some nuts. What a great balanced snack that will keep you full and full of energy!
10. Yogurt and granola: this is a little harder because you need a fridge, but great for work or a place you have the ability to but in a fridge.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Have you ever had a think thin bar? They are high in protein, no sugar, and tastes like a candy bar!

These are amazing suggestions!

Miss you girl. I hope to see you at Christmas.